Hall of Fame
2014 Rabbit Association Singapore (RAS) Rabbit Competition @ Petas Show
Date: 09 Nov 2014
Jude: Arie Wardhani
MILO (Tortoise Shell Holland Lop)
Best in Show
Best in Breed
Raised by RHQ and owned by Marcus
Tank (Chestnut Netherland Dwarf)
Best of Breed
Bred by RHQ and owned by Chinnie
UM 2nd International ARBA Rabbit Show & Symposium 2015
Date: 09 to 10 May 2015
Jude: Maddie Pratt
Remarks: 2015 was a very special year for us as we decided to get out of our comfort zone and Show our rabbits Overseas . Logistics and administrative work was definitely not a walk in the park especially when we cant speak the national language there. The sole purpose was to broaden our horizon and exchange valuable knowledge with fellow breeders . We flew our 3 rabbits and 2 got placed and went on to win their individual Breed, couldn't be more proud!Thank you committee and sponsors for putting together a great show
Arena inside of the school hall
RHQ Titan - Best of Breed Holland Lop (left), RHQ BO - Best of Breed Netherland Dwarf (right)
National Rabbit & Cavy Show 2015
Jude: Cath
Remarks: This is the 3rd ARBA Sanctioned Show and we are honor to have Veteran Judge Cathy to judge both the rabbits and guinea pig show

Our Best in Show winning Holland Lop, isn’t he adorable?

Best in show & Best reserve in Show winner. Both are our Pride and Joy. This was the 2nd win at National level for RHQ BO (on the right ,1st one in Malaysia few weeks back)

RHQ Moscarto- Best of Breed American

Pets Asia 2015 in conjunction with Aquarama at Suntec city , what a venue for a rabbit show.

Judging a gorgeous English Angora

Thank you for the great turn out!
A RHQ Booth at every great Animal Show
French Lop – World biggest Lop ear Rabbit, never fail to turn heads
Rosette & hampers for winners.
Posing and evaluating a cute Broken color Holland lop Rabbit
Checking the rabbit for any possible qualification
Wheee wheee wheee , it’s the guinea pigs in the judging coop
Petas Pet Show 2015
Date: 04 to 06 September 2015
Remarks: A break from the usual show , our hands on the Best dress Competition for Small animals ( rabbits , guinea pig , Hamsters ) for the very first time. This is also the debut of our All natural Salad bar with an array of herbs. We are definitely blown away by the turn out , you cant deny the number of animal lovers in Singapore.
Complimentary Photo shoot for the small animal lovers
2016 Siam Rabbit and Cavy Club (SRC)
Date: 02 June 2016
Venue: Thailand, Queen Sirkit National Convention Centre
Remarks: 2nd International show of ours , a resounding success , 2 rabbits , 2 win. RHQ Thug Life continue the winning legacy from his Sire , RHQ Bo (2015 Best of breed Netherland dwarf at Malaysia)
RHQ Thug Life winning Best of Breed in Thailand, what an honour to be picked among of the other crazy good rabbits
Better picture of RHQ Thug Life, taken at our old humble showroom at Pasir Ris
Save the best for last , our “meat “ rabbit a Californian winning best of breed and going on to win Best Reserve in Show at Thailand. WOW

Check out her amazing Va va voom body

Thank you for the amazing memories!
A fluffy English Angora taking over the world
Met a new friend , Ace